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Brevetti sulla Geoingegneria! (Protocolli Fantasma).

Le scie chimiche fanno parte di progetti super segreti,che se desecretati pubblicamente potrebbero scaturire alla popolazione un'effetto simile a un'esplosione atomica, si creerebbero situazioni allarmistiche che coinvolgerebbero migliaia di persone,persone che si adopererebbero in tutti i modi possibili e immaginabili per cercare di trovare una fine immediata a queste operazioni militari,operazioni criminali controllate dai governi ombra che hanno regnato e regnano tutt'oggi indisturbati, legalizzati sempre più per colpa dell'amore verso il Dio denaro,un Dio che è passato sempre prima di tutti, che ha sempre primeggiato con privilegio verso ogni vita umana su questo povero e disgraziato pianeta. Gli illuminati massoni e satanisti arrivano con forza a pretendere un nuovo ordine mondiale. Tutti gli Stati della Nato vi devono partecipare in modo obbligatorio,se non partecipassero, forse, ci sarebbero delle situazioni di disagio estremo verso chi si ostinerebbe a contrastarli. Questi governi ombra hanno dalla loro molte armi a disposizione,le hanno sempre avute, sperimentandole in modo subdolo e incosciente verso i loro stessi soldati,verso la loro stessa gente inerme e incapace di difendersi... queste armi sono invisibili,sono le scie chimiche che fanno parte della geoingegneria climatica,attuata in un primo tempo per cercare di fermare il mal tempo e il riscaldamento globale nella quale il sole aveva ed ha dei picchi molto alti in alcune regioni del pianeta,ma che successivamente per non dire quasi subito,queste armi a protezione della terra,per interessi,si sono trasformate in armi contro la terra stessa e gli esseri umani che vi abitano. Chi sa con certezza di queste armi,come ad esempio io che vi sto scrivendo,sa bene che è molto difficile, se non impossibile fermarle. Ho scelto qualche anno fa l'informazione con la speranza di coinvolgere più persone possibili alla consapevolezza,alla difesa e alla voglia di lottare, e di parlarne sempre di più illudendomi che qualcosa si possa fare,che qualcosa possa funzionare, e ci spero ancora,come si dice? La speranza è l'ultima a morire... quello che molti chiamano teorie,io le chiamo denunce pubbliche,perché molte di queste notizie sono verificate. Assistiamo ad esempio come l' Arpac della Campania lotti per cercare di normalizzare il non normalizzabile , questo vi fa capire che le Arpa sulla questione Scie Chimiche siano tutte coinvolte in questi sporchi piani,in questi sporchi interessi. Io lo so già per altre conferme che ho visto e toccato con mano affrontando simili questioni a quattrocchi con vari esponenti... In passato l'Arpat della Toscana fece addirittura una pubblicazione molto tarocca,sempre per la normalizzazione delle scie chimiche,che le defini come condensa già dal titolo della ricerca stessa. La verità è che purtroppo posso dire ben poco al riguardo,altre cose che so, al momento, non posso rivelarle,ma vi posso garantire che in Italia c'è gente disposta a lottare e a rischiare,gente che sa molto bene di questi sporchi piani criminali, difatti, varie analisi effettuate da gente esperta hanno rivelato purtroppo, anche troppo!  Il tutto viene coperto da gente che ama usare una squallida arroganza unita a varie pretese assurde! Certi presidenti dovrebbero vergognarsi di stare al mondo e respirare la nostra stessa aria. Tempo al tempo! Per adesso questo è quanto. Facendo delle brevi ricerche  ho trovato qualche pietra miliare,qualche cavallo di battaglia che dovrebbe spingere il lettore "chiunque esso sia",a riflettere un attimino,e a immaginare la grandezza che hanno questi piani diabolici... Quello che penso e che ho pensato sempre, è che certi potenti farabutti raccolgono soldi anche rubandoli alla popolazione  (ATTENZIONE ALLE RAPINE LEGALIZZATE) per altri sporchi piani di business diabolici atti anche alla depopolazione e schiavizzazione dell'essere umano. A seguire i brevetti sulla Geoingegneria.          

Brevetti sulla Geoingegneria! (Protocolli Fantasma).
Esistono centinaia di brevetti, depositati presso l'ufficio brevetti degli Stati Uniti, riguardanti la manipolazione climatica. Alcuni di essi sono rintracciabili direttamente dal sito ufficiale US Patent oppure su . Se invece volete cimentarvi in una ricerca, potete utilizzare Google Patents inserendo direttamente il numero del brevetto oppure digitando ad esempio le parole "weather modification", "weather control", "Haarp", "cloud seeding", e così via. Ovviamente non tutti i risultati delle ricerche generiche saranno inerenti l’argomento principale di questo sito.

I brevetti che abbiamo raccolto riguardano principalmente la manipolazione della ionosfera, la manipolazione delle nubi, l'effetto delle onde elettromagnetiche a determinate frequenze, i campi di utilizzo di particolari aerosol.

Tra tutti abbiamo approfondito i seguenti brevetti:

 -    Method and apparatus for altering a region in the earth's atmosphere, ionosphere, and/or magnetosphere
Patent No US 4.686.605  - Eastlund  - 11 agosto 1987

-     Method of modifying weather
Patent No US 6.315.213 - Cordani – 13 novembre 2001

-     Process for absorbing ultraviolet radiation using dispersed melanin
Patent No US 5.286.979 - Berliner – 15 febbraio February 1994

-     Liquid atomizing apparatus for aerial spraying
Patent No US 4.948.050 - Picot – 14 agosto 1990

-   Laminar microjet atomizer and method of aerial spraying of liquids
Patent No US 4.412.654 - Yates – 1 novembre 1983

-     Rocket having barium release system to create ion clouds in the upper atmosphere
Patent No US 3.813.875 - Issued/Filed Dates: 4 giugno 1974 – 28 aprile 1872

-    Stratospheric Welsbach seeding for reduction of global warming
Patent No US 5.003.186 - Chang, Shih – 26 marzo 1991

-    Powder contrail generation
Patent No US 3.899.144 – Werle, Kasparas, Katz – 12 agosto 1975

-    Vehicle propulsion system with external propellant supply
Patent No US 5.224.663 – Criswell - 6 giugno 1993

Gli elenchi che seguono possono fornire un'idea di quanto sia vasto l'interesse verso la manipolazione e il controllo climatico e le tecnologie correlate ad essi.

- Brevetti sulla manipolazione e controllo del clima:
US6870498 Generation of electromagnetic radiation
US6845919 Apparatus for disturbing and removing electrons and protons from the atmosphere
US6575381 Artificial snow producing and releasing apparatus and method thereof
US6315213 Method of modifying weather
US6223995 Method for cooling golf greens and other vegetation
US6152378 Mist clearing method and equipment
US6056203 Method and apparatus for modifying supercooled clouds
US6025402 Chemical composition for effectuating a reduction of visibility obscuration, and a detoxifixation of fumes and chemical fogs in spaces of fire origin
US5975424 Electric control for ultrasonic vertical anti-hail cannon
US5971293 Modular system with double ventilation--mechanic and thermic--for the reduction or annulment of the formation of fog banks
US5923818 Water fog spraying system for infrared radiant dryers
US5810248 Method for the prevention or elimination of fog over a terrain, as well as system for the performance of this method
US5807697 Biological tracer method
US5803359 Device for generating a fog
US5747720 Tactical laser weapon system for handling munitions
US5711481 Process and apparatus for creating fog for special effects
US5639441 Methods for fine particle formation
US5628455 Method and apparatus for modification of supercooled fog
US5626290 Rain making system
US5593549 Method for changing solar energy distribution
US5556029 Method of hydrometeor dissipation
US5492274 Method of and means for weather modification
US5441200 Tropical cyclone disruption
US5376346 Method of reducing the destruction of ozone in the earth's stratosphere by the removal of chlorine, chlorine monoxide radicals, and catalytic aerosols
US5360162 Method and composition for precipitation of atmospheric water
US5357865 Method of cloud seeding
US5286979 Process for absorbing ultraviolet radiation using dispersed melanin
US5242109 Method and apparatus for dispelling fog
US5211336 Method for protecting an area against pollution by using a cloud of water droplets 27
US5176319 Method and apparatus for dispelling fog
US5174498 Cloud seeding
US5156333 Apparatus for producing fog
US5041834 Artificial ionospheric mirror composed of a plasma layer which can be tilted
US5005355 Method of suppressing formation of contrails and solution therefor
US4999637 Creation of artificial ionization clouds above the earth
US4991773 Method and apparatus for dissipating fog
US4988041 Method and apparatus for watering cultivated land, providing a protection for cultivated plants
US4848656 Process for the controlled disposal of an aerosol cloud and a device for the implementation of the process
US4839581 Absolute electrical potential measuring apparatus and method
US4836086 Apparatus and method for the mixing and diffusion of warm and cold air for dissolving fog
US4817495 Defense system for discriminating between objects in space
US4781326 Warm fog dissipation using large volume water sprays
US4744919 Method of dispersing particulate aerosol tracer
US4726517 Process and plant for elimination of fog from the atmosphere
US4704942 Charged aerosol
US4684063 Particulates generation and removal
US4671805 Method for airport fog precipitation
US4653690 Method of producing cumulus clouds
US4643355 Method and apparatus for modification of climatic conditions
US4475927 Bipolar fog abatement system
US4470544 Method of and means for weather modification
US4362271 Procedure for the artificial modification of atmospheric precipitation as well as compounds with a dimethyl sulfoxide base for use in carrying out said procedure
US4352458 Saturated vapor gun
US4261534 Inflated wing aircraft
US4245475 Method and apparatus for producing electricity from thermal sea power
US4176790 Composition for and method of causing rainfall
US4099452 Smokestack-mounted airfoil
US4085543 Heat distribution system
US4039144 Environmental control method and apparatus
US4037787 Method of supplemental irrigation for farming
US4009828 Organic nucleating agent for both warm and cold clouds
RE29142 Combustible compositions for generating aerosols, particularly suitable for cloud modification and weather control and aerosolization process
US3952950 Apparatus for defogging a roadway, landing strip or the like
US3940059 Method of fog dispersion
US3934817 Precipitation of steam fogs
RE23238 Fog freable runway for aircraft and plant associated therewith

- Aerosol e tecnologie applicate al clima (Fonte:

1225521 - May 8, 1917 - Protection From Poisonous Gas in Warfare Referenced in 4704942 - Charged aerosol
"Un metodo di difesa contro una nube di aerosol tossico utilizza un aerosol difensivo caricato che viene spruzzato nella nube. L'aerosol difensivo è composto da un agente che può essere chimicamente o biologicamente attivo."
1302332 - April 29, 1919 -Toy Machine Gun - F.V. Du Pont Referenced in 4141274 – ideato per un generatore di fumo sviluppato in un disositivi odierni che generano particelle e aerosol.
1338343 - April 27, 1920 - Process And Apparatus For The Production of Intense Artificial Clouds, Fogs, or Mists
1619183 - March 1, 1927 - Process of Producing Smoke Clouds From Moving Aircraft
1631753 - June 7, 1927 - Electric Heater - Referenced in 3990987
1665267 - April 10, 1928 - Process of Producing Artificial Fogs
1892132 - December 27, 1932 - Atomizing Attachment For Airplane Engine Exhausts
1928963 - October 3, 1933 - Electrical System And Method
1957075 - May 1, 1934 - Airplane Spray Equipment
2097581 - November 2, 1937 - Electric Stream Generator - Referenced in 3990987
2409201 - October 15, 1946 - Smoke Producing Mixture
2476171 - July 18, 1945 - Smoke Screen Generator
2480967 - September 6, 1949 - Aerial Discharge Device
2550324 - April 24, 1951 - Process For Controlling Weather
2510867 - October 9, 1951 - Method of Crystal Formation and Precipitation
2582678 - June 15, 1952 - Material Disseminating Apparatus For Airplanes
2591988 - April 8, 1952 - Production of TiO2 Pigments - Referenced in 3899144
2614083 - October 14, 1952 - Metal Chloride Screening Smoke Mixture
2633455 - March 31, 1953 - Smoke Generator
2688069 - August 31, 1954 - Steam Generator - Referenced in 3990987
2721495 - October 25, 1955 - Method And Apparatus For Detecting Minute Crystal Forming Particles Suspended in a Gaseous Atmosphere
2730402 - January 10, 1956 - Controllable Dispersal Device
2801322 - July 30, 1957 - Decomposition Chamber for Monopropellant Fuel - Referenced in 3990987
2881335 - April 7, 1959 - Generation of Electrical Fields
2908442 - October 13, 1959 - Method For Dispersing Natural Atmospheric Fogs And Clouds
2986360 - May 30, 1962 - Aerial Insecticide Dusting Device
2963975 - December 13, 1960 - Cloud Seeding Carbon Dioxide Bullet
3126155 - March 24, 1964 - Silver Iodide Cloud Seeding Generator - Referenced in 3990987
3127107 - March 31, 1964 - Generation of Ice-Nucleating Crystals
3131131 - April 28, 1964 - Electrostatic Mixing in Microbial Conversions
3174150 - March 16, 1965 - Self-Focusing Antenna System
3234357 - February 8, 1966 - Electrically Heated Smoke Producing Device
3274035 - September 20, 1966 - Metallic Composition For Production of Hydroscopic Smoke
3300721 - January 24, 1967 - Means For Communication Through a Layer of Ionized Gases
3313487 - April 11, 1967 - Cloud Seeding Apparatus
3338476 - August 29, 1967 - Heating Device For Use With Aerosol Containers - Referenced in 3990987
3410489 - November 12, 1968 - Automatically Adjustable Airfoil Spray System With Pump
3429507 - February 25, 1969 - Rainmaker
3432208 - November 7, 1967 - Fluidized Particle Dispenser
3441214 - April 29, 1969 - Method And Apparatus For Seeding Clouds
3445844 - May 20, 1969 - Trapped Electromagnetic Radiation Communications System
3456880 - July 22, 1969 - Method Of Producing Precipitation From The Atmosphere
3518670 June 30, 1970 - Artificial Ion Cloud
3534906 - October 20, 1970 - Control of Atmospheric Particles
3545677 - December 8, 1970 - Method of Cloud Seeding
3564253 - February 16, 1971 - System And Method For Irradiation Of Planet Surface Areas
3587966 - June 28, 1971 - Freezing Nucleation
3601312 - August 24, 1971 - Methods of Increasing The Likelihood oF Precipatation By The Artificial Introduction Of Sea Water Vapor Into The Atmosphere Winward Of An Air Lift Region
3608810 - September 28, 1971 - Methods of Treating Atmospheric Conditions
3608820 - September 20, 1971 - Treatment of Atmospheric Conditions by Intermittent Dispensing of Materials Therein
3613992 - October 19, 1971 - Weather Modification Method
3630950 - December 28, 1971 - Combustible Compositions For Generating Aerosols, Particularly Suitable For Cloud Modification And Weather Control And Aerosolization Process
USRE29142 - This patent is a reissue of patent US3630950 - Combustible compositions for generating aerosols, particularly suitable for cloud modification and weather control and aerosolization process
3659785 - December 8, 1971 - Weather Modification Utilizing Microencapsulated Material
3666176 - March 3, 1972 - Solar Temperature Inversion Device
3677840 - July 18, 1972 - Pyrotechnics Comprising Oxide of Silver For Weather Modification Use
3722183 - March 27, 1973 - Device For Clearing Impurities From The Atmosphere
3769107 - October 30, 1973 - Pyrotechnic Composition For Generating Lead Based Smoke
3784099 - January 8, 1974 - Air Pollution Control Method
3785557 - January 15, 1974 - Cloud Seeding System
3795626 - March 5, 1974 - Weather Modification Process
3808595 - April 30, 1974 - Chaff Dispensing System
3813875 - June 4, 1974 - Rocket Having Barium Release System to Create Ion Clouds In The Upper Atmopsphere
3835059 - September 10, 1974 - Methods of Generating Ice Nuclei Smoke Particles For Weather Modification And Apparatus Therefore
3835293 - September 10, 1974 - Electrical Heating Aparatus For Generating Super Heated Vapors - Referenced in 3990987
3877642 - April 15, 1975 - Freezing Nucleant
3882393 - May 6, 1975 - Communications System Utilizing Modulation of The Characteristic Polarization of The Ionosphere
3896993 - July 29, 1975 - Process For Local Modification of Fog And Clouds For Triggering Their Precipitation And For Hindering The Development of Hail Producing Clouds
3899129 - August 12, 1975 - Apparatus for generating ice nuclei smoke particles for weather modification
3899144 - August 12, 1975 - Powder contrail generation
3940059 - February 24, 1976 - Method For Fog Dispersion
3940060 - February 24, 1976 - Vortex Ring Generator
3990987 - November 9, 1976 - Smoke generator
3992628 - November 16, 1976 - Countermeasure system for laser radiation
3994437 - November 30, 1976 - Broadcast dissemination of trace quantities of biologically active chemicals
4042196 - August 16, 1977 - Method and apparatus for triggering a substantial change in earth characteristics and measuring earth changes
RE29,142 - February 22, 1977 - Reissue of: 03630950 - Combustible compositions for generating aerosols, particularly suitable for cloud modification and weather control and aerosolization process
4035726 - July 12, 1977 - Method of controlling and/or improving high-latitude and other communications or radio wave surveillance systems by partial control of radio wave et al
4096005 - June 20, 1978 - Pyrotechnic Cloud Seeding Composition
4129252 - December 12, 1978 - Method and apparatus for production of seeding materials
4141274 - February 27, 1979 - Weather modification automatic cartridge dispenser
4167008 - September 4, 1979 - Fluid bed chaff dispenser
4347284 - August 31, 1982 - White cover sheet material capable of reflecting ultraviolet rays
4362271 - December 7, 1982 - Procedure for the artificial modification of atmospheric precipitation as well as compounds with a dimethyl sulfoxide base for use in carrying out said procedure
4402480 - September 6, 1983 - Atmosphere modification satellite
4412654 - November 1, 1983 - Laminar microjet atomizer and method of aerial spraying of liquids
4415265 - November 15, 1983 - Method and apparatus for aerosol particle absorption spectroscopy
4470544 - September 11, 1984 - Method of and Means for weather modification
4475927 - October 9, 1984 - Bipolar Fog Abatement System
4600147 - July 15, 1986 - Liquid propane generator for cloud seeding apparatus
4633714 - January 6, 1987 - Aerosol particle charge and size analyzer
4643355 - February 17, 1987 - Method and apparatus for modification of climatic conditions
4653690 - March 31, 1987 - Method of producing cumulus clouds
4684063 - August 4, 1987 - Particulates generation and removal
4686605 - August 11, 1987 - Method and apparatus for altering a region in the earth's atmosphere, ionosphere, and/or magnetosphere
4704942 - November 10, 1987 - Charged Aerosol
4712155 - December 8, 1987 - Method and apparatus for creating an artificial electron cyclotron heating region of plasma
4744919 - May 17, 1988 - Method of dispersing particulate aerosol tracer
4766725 - August 30, 1988 - Method of suppressing formation of contrails and solution therefor
4829838 - May 16, 1989 - Method and apparatus for the measurement of the size of particles entrained in a gas
4836086 - June 6, 1989 - Apparatus and method for the mixing and diffusion of warm and cold air for dissolving fog
4873928 - October 17, 1989 - Nuclear-sized explosions without radiation
4948257 - August 14, 1990 - Laser optical measuring device and method for stabilizing fringe pattern spacing
4948050 - August 14, 1990 - Liquid atomizing apparatus for aerial spraying
4999637 - March 12, 1991 - Creation of artificial ionization clouds above the earth
5003186 - March 26, 1991 - Stratospheric Welsbach seeding for reduction of global warming
5005355 - April 9, 1991 - Method of suppressing formation of contrails and solution therefor
5038664 - August 13, 1991 - Method for producing a shell of relativistic particles at an altitude above the earths surface
5041760 - August 20, 1991 - Method and apparatus for generating and utilizing a compound plasma configuration
5041834 - August 20, 1991 - Artificial ionospheric mirror composed of a plasma layer which can be tilted
5056357 - October 15, 1991- Acoustic method for measuring properties of a mobile medium
5059909 - October 22, 1991 - Determination of particle size and electrical charge
5104069 - April 14, 1992 - Apparatus and method for ejecting matter from an aircraft
5110502 - May 5, 1992 - Method of suppressing formation of contrails and solution therefor
5156802 - October 20, 1992 - Inspection of fuel particles with acoustics
5174498 - December 29, 1992 - Cloud Seeding
5148173 - September 15, 1992 - Millimeter wave screening cloud and method
5245290 - September 14, 1993 - Device for determining the size and charge of colloidal particles by measuring electroacoustic effect
5286979 - February 15, 1994 - Process for absorbing ultraviolet radiation using dispersed melanin
5296910 - March 22, 1994 - Method and apparatus for particle analysis
5327222 - July 5, 1994 - Displacement information detecting apparatus
5357865 - October 25, 1994 - Method of cloud seeding
5360162 - November 1, 1994 - Method and composition for precipitation of atmospheric water
5383024 - January 17, 1995 - Optical wet steam monitor
5425413 - June 20, 1995 - Method to hinder the formation and to break-up overhead atmospheric inversions, enhance ground level air circulation and improve urban air quality
5434667 - July 18, 1995 - Characterization of particles by modulated dynamic light scattering
5441200 - August 15, 1995 - Tropical cyclone disruption
5486900 - January 23, 1996 - Measuring device for amount of charge of toner and image forming apparatus having the measuring device
5556029 - September 17, 1996 - Method of hydrometeor dissipation (clouds)
5628455 - May 13, 1997 - Method and apparatus for modification of supercooled fog
5631414 - May 20, 1997 - Method and device for remote diagnostics of ocean-atmosphere system state
5639441 - June 17, 1997 - Methods for fine particle formation
5762298 - June 9, 1998 - Use of artificial satellites in earth orbits adaptively to modify the effect that solar radiation would otherwise have on earth's weather
5912396 - June 15, 1999 - System and method for remediation of selected atmospheric conditions
5922976 - July 13, 1999 - Method of measuring aerosol particles using automated mobility-classified aerosol detector
5949001 - September 7, 1999 - Method for aerodynamic particle size analysis
5984239 - November 16, 1999 - Weather modification by artificial satellite
6025402 - February 15, 2000 - Chemical composition for effectuating a reduction of visibility obscuration, and a detoxifixation of fumes and chemical fogs in spaces of fire origin
6030506 - February 29, 2000 - Preparation of independently generated highly reactive chemical species
6034073 - March 7, 2000 - Solvent detergent emulsions having antiviral activity
6045089 - April 4, 2000 - Solar-powered airplane
6056203 - May 2, 2000 - Method and apparatus for modifying supercooled clouds
6110590 - August 29, 2000 - Synthetically spun silk nanofibers and a process for making the same
6263744 - July 24, 2001 - Automated mobility-classified-aerosol detector
6281972 - August 28, 2001 - Method and apparatus for measuring particle-size distribution
6315213 - November 13, 2001 - Method of modifying weather
6382526 - May 7, 2002 - Process and apparatus for the production of nanofibers
6408704 - June 25, 2002 - Aerodynamic particle size analysis method and apparatus
6412416 - July 2, 2002 - Propellant-based aerosol generation devices and method
6520425 - February 18, 2003 - Process and apparatus for the production of nanofibers
6539812 - April 1, 2003 - System for measuring the flow-rate of a gas by means of ultrasound
6553849 - April 29, 2003 - Electrodynamic particle size analyzer
6569393 - May 27, 2003 - Method and device for cleaning the atmosphere

- Altri brevetti:
3.994.437 - November 30, 1976 - Broadcast dissemination of trace quantities of biologically active chemicals
4.096.005 - June 20, 1978 - Pyrotechnic cloud seeding composition
4.280.833 – July  28, 1981 - Encapsulation by interfacial polycondensation, and aqueous herbicidal composition containing microcapsules produced thereby 4.427.794 – January 24, 1984 - Process for the preparation of bead polymers of uniform particle size by polymerization of microencapsulated monomer
4.640.709 – March 2, 1987 - High concentration encapsulation by interfacial polycondensation
4.464.473 -  August 7, 1984 - Ice nucleating microorganisms
4.470.544 - September 11, 1984 - Method of and means for weather modification
5.104.069 - April 14, 1992 - Apparatus and method for ejecting matter from an aircraft
5.224.663 - July 6, 1993 - Vehicle propulsion system with external propellant supply
5.360.162- November 1, 1994 - Method and composition for precipitation of atmospheric water

Geoengineering methods to reduce global warming:

- Reforestation, greening of deserts, creation of algae lakes to convert CO2 to oxigen.

- Sequestering of CO2 in deep ocean trenches as dry ice slurry.

- Space based mirrors arrays.

- Deust and soot dust delivered into atmosphere with high-altitude ballon and large guns.

- Aluminium powder and barium oxide is sprayed into troposphere by commercial & private aircraft to increase planetary albedo and cloud cover.

- Ships burn sulphur to increase cloud cover, and add iron oxide to oceans to simulate mass plankton growth    Da notare anche il grande lavoro che fece l'amico Daniele Fois del Comitato Scie Chimiche Sardegna. Tutto sulla Geoingegneria .  Per Scie Chimiche Informazione Corretta. Un abbraccio a tutti. Ethan. ;)
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