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Dagli Stati Uniti Luca Zanna intervista Rosario Marcianò.

Sunday 2/22/2015 on Love, Guns and Freedom Radio Show on KTOX 1340 AM at 11AM PST (12 PM KALIFORNIA time) an exciting rebellious freedom loving show... as usually. Hour 1: special guest from Italy one of the pioneers in exposing Weather Modificaton (Chemtrails) in Europe : Rosario Marcianò. Rosario will talk about his documentary "Chemtrails the secret war" and the legal persecution that his and his brother are facing, just because exercising their first amendment, that by the way, in Italy does not exist.
Second hour: it is all about guns and training. Luca talks with firearms Instructor Jim Liesen about the Combat Mindset and why it is so important. Also Luca shares some great and not so great second amendment news.
Third hour: Neal P. Taylor A freedom Loving single from Topock Arizona is looking for that special lady... We talk about love, and the Thomas Jefferson Walk... Luca will be jogging with his gun while broadcasting on the streets... don't do that unless you are in Arizona

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